The Great White Just Might

If you go kayaking
On a full moon night
When the waves flow easy and
The white caps slight,
Beware of what’s lurking
In the depths out of sight
‘Cause the Great White just might
Take a big bite tonight!

A loud crunching impact
Would launch you quite high
Smashing your kayak
To splinters in the sky…
Then you’d splash into the ocean
All stunned and confused
And hear your dear kayak
Getting thrashed and abused.

When you snap back in focus
You’ll be frozen in fright
‘Cause the Great White just might
Take a big bite tonight!
Better scramble on a boat
Or swim for the shore
And hope he doesn’t smell
The sweaty wetsuit you wore.

You never know what’s below
Whether it’s tentacles or teeth
Or stingers, beaks, lances
Or fangs underneath…
Scuba divers, surfers
Sailboards and canoes
All swimmers take heed
Even waders with shoes.

He’ll chomp you in half
And gobble one at a time
It’s nothing personal
His dinner’s no crime…
The Great White just might
Take a big bite tonight
The Great White just might
Take a big…aarroommph!

ARdVS, Copyright 2011, All Rights Reserved

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