The Last Blast

On a crisp and brilliant winter night
With full moon poised and radiant,
I saw the luckiest man alive
Blazing by in a jet ultra high,
Engines blasting unrestrained…
Lights throbbing madly with contrails lacing
The dark speckled canopy at eternity’s edge…
Racing maniacally to the infinite yonder,
Angling so steep he was virtually vertical...
Corkscrewing, cocky and howling...
Smoking a hole in the Stratosphere.
Awestruck yet puzzled, I thought,
“Wow, there goes the luckiest man alive
On the wildest ride of his life!”
Igniting the unsuspecting night…
Frightfully rising and
Ripping beyond sanity’s limits…
Writhing in godly, spectral fire…
Roaring headlong into sheer oblivion,
Rising until his engines were too high to hear,
Rising until he became another dot in the sky.

Copyright, November 2011
Originally titled, “The Luckiest Man Alive.”
This is a true story.

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